About Me

Well it seems that you have somehow stumbled your way over here to my blog. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Jackie. Jackie Buckman. And this blog is about my life. As stated in my first post, I'm not exactly prime at telling people about myself, but I'd really like it if you want to take a look around and indirectly characterize me. But if that's not convincing enough, I'll cover the basics for you.

I'm 15 years old and I am a freshman at Treasure Mountain Junior High in Park City, Utah. I,

Goodness gracious I feel like this might be the driest thing you have ever read and I sincerely apologize for that. I'll just give it to you straight.

I blog about my life. The self explanatory tag line kind of hints at that. I like making people laugh. I'm weird and sarcastic and high energy, but sometimes I'm also shy and awkward (duh) which I'm sure really confuses my English teacher who reads this blog. I'm pretty sure he doesn't believe that I really write this blog, cause I sit in his class and don't say much but then I get on here and start internet screaming about nothing like a crazy person. I don't know if that even makes sense the way I wrote it..... whatever. It made sense to me.

^ Yes, that is me ^

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