Friday, October 5, 2012

There's a First Time For Everything

Welcome To My Blog!   

I'm just going to be upfront about this first key point here, and that is that I do not know how to blog. I do not know the rules of blogging (well I kind of do because we had a presentation on it in English) and I do not know if this is even a real blog topic (talking about the overall blog topic, not the topic of this post). But nevertheless, I am always up for a challenge and in time, I'm sure I'll come to learn how to blog. But right now I'm sure you're wondering who I am and why I have this blog and what this blog is even about. Well that my dear people, I would love to tell you.

Let's start with who I am shall we? For some reason whenever anyone asks me to tell them about myself, I draw almost a blank. My name (Jackie), how old I am (15 in January, thank you very much), and that I like to sing, play lacrosse, and softball are really the only the immediate responses that come to my mind for this question. But because I want you, reader, to be able to relate to me in some way, I will do a little bit of soul searching. Let's see, I don't like the dark (it scares me), I love roller coasters and cliff jumping and any pretty much any sort of adrenaline rush. I'm not shy at all if I've never met you before and will never see you again, but I am shy if I feel intimidated by you or don't feel comfortable around you. I just might be the most competitive person you ever meet. I daydream all the time. I hate disappointing people. I'm terrified of embarrassment. My favorite TV shows are Pretty Little Liars (because I love the drama and suspense and romance), Criminal Minds (because it just plainly fascinates me), and Modern Family (because it's hilarious.) I love to laugh and I do it all the time. So there you go.

I started this blog as an ongoing project for my ninth grade Honors English class. And the million dollar question: what is this blog about? Well this blog is about the life of a teenage girl. I'm hoping readers in the same demographic as me (girls 13-17 ish) can relate to some of these posts, and others will be entertained by my hopefully humorous series of articles about my life. It is about my life and my story. My day to day happenings that I find internet worthy will all be yours for the reading.

One blog that really inspired me was a blog, also from blogspot, called Story of My Life. The blog is written by Jenni, a 25 year old woman who writes about generally the same topic I want to write about, her life. I really liked this blog for it's content and her voice and personality really shines through.

Another blog that inspired me was called, My Life in Blog Years. I really liked the layout of this blog and how easy it was to navigate around her site.

I'm really excited to be starting this project and hope that you enjoy this blog! Blog you later fellow internet people. Peace.

- Jackie    


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