Thursday, April 11, 2013

Throwback Thursday

Wuddup homeslices hollaback at ya dawg J-Bizzle in the hizhouseeeee. 

lol jackie u crazy gnome wat. 

Sorry, I'll stop. 

First of all, before we get started, I wanted to share a creation of mine with you. I was looking at one of our JV team pictures and saw this...
Thank you Maddie.

AND ALSO, TODAY IS THURSDAY, WHICH IS ALSO KNOWN AS "THROWBACK THURSDAY," SO TODAY, WE WILL BE THROWING IT WAY BACK. Wayyyyyyy back. Are you ready for this? (dun dun dun, duna-na dun dun dun, dun-na-na)

Back when I was cute. (Just kidding I wasn't even cute as a child.) 

1 comment:

  1. That picture of Maddie at the top-priceless.
