Tuesday, April 16, 2013


idk those just made me laugh so i thot maybe u wud laf 2 lol jackie wat u crazy gnome.

Just a few #JackieFacts for you to read and then judge me about.

1.  I HATE bananas. If I was stranded on an island and the only food on that island were bananas, I would die of starvation.

2.  I am indeed about that ADD lyfe tho.

3.  I love JB and T-Swiz and if you hate on them there is a 94.6% chance I will come to your house in the middle of the night and shave your hair into a mohawk. A really badly done, unstylish mohawk.

4. Summa time is the best time and I was meant to live at the beach.

5. I play (whoa I was trying to type "play" but I typed "okay" by accident ok never mind continue) lacrosse. Specifically defense and some midfield.

6. I'm undeniably the most fierce, fearless, flawless, ratchet, bamf, gnome member of the Buckman family. (I was gonna say in the world but then I came up with a long list of people that would be ahead of me.)

7. For a career, I would like to be either a Veterinarian for the ASPCA, or an extremely successful singer/songwriter. I have diverse taste.

8. I love the internet.

9. I love fashion, even though you wouldn't be able to tell since most of the time I'm dressed like I'm an urban camper. (That's the nice word for hobo.)

10. I'm addicted to music like it's cocaine.

11. I believe that life is both chance and choice.

12.  My soul is made of cake and popcorn chicken

13.  Polar bears are my favorite animal and I plan on buying one. And people always tell me, "Jackie are you serious? It's gonna eat you, it's a wild animal, blah blah blah. " But I have a plan. If I buy it as a cub and raise it as my own, it will love me and not eat me so LET ME LIVE OKAY.

14. Sparkles are a way of life. 


  1. Excuse me why don't you ever call yourself a gypsy... #disowned

  2. I think you're the biggest bamf in the universe. BAM!

  3. I really enjoyed Jeff's little flyer for the bird... just putting that out there. I love your blog... it's just amazing
