Thursday, December 20, 2012

Jackie's Choice Awards #1

     So, If you haven't noticed, there obviously aren't enough awards shows on TV. We only have like 737 billion a year to watch. You got your AMA's, your Grammy's, your Oscar's, your Teen Choice, your Kid's Choice, People's choice, etc, etc.

     And I came up with a brilliant idea that you will all love.

The Jackie's Choice Awards.

                                              *insert applause for genius/creative thinking here*

    I'm going to give you my nominees for a multitude of categories, but unlike most awards shows, you have no control whatsoever about who the winner will be. No voting for your favorites or any of that. It's called the JACKIE'S Choice Awards people. Come on.

      And because I know you all care so much about my opinions, here are my nominees:

Male Artist-

He is an attractive one

Let's be honest here, are there really any other contenders anyway? I didn't think so.

Female Artist-


T-Swizzle is the bomb diggity. And that's not really a refutable statement at all so don't even try. Kthanksbye. 

Musical Group-

He is We. You haven't heard them before? You have not lived. Right now, you are dead. I'm so sorry.


But whyyyyyyyyy though? Loved him in Little Manhattan, loved him in Bridge to Terribithea, and LOVED him in The Hunger Games. 


Because really, who is not in love with Jennifer Lawrence? She makes me LOL.

Best TV Drama

Those of you who know me, or have read any of my other blog posts, know that The Vampire Diaries is my burning passion. Like really, what the heck? Can someone really get addicted to a TV show? Yes, yes they can.  The 'halfway-through-the-season' winter finale was last week and I'm already going through crazy withdrawls. 

Best TV Comedy

Our first nominee for best comedy is Modern Family. I don't really know anyone who has never seen Modern Family, so there's really no explanation needed for why it's nominated. If you've seen it, you know. 

And then we have Happy Endings. It's really underrated considering how funny it actually is. Or maybe I'm just weird.    

Actually, I'm just pretty much gonna nominate like every comedy show on ABC. They're all fabulous. 

I watch a lot of TV.

Movie of the Year-

You all knew that was coming. And if you don't know what this movie poster is from, you obviously don't get out much. I read the first book in sixth grade when my mom started reading it for her book club. I remember I couldn't fall asleep one night and I didn't really have any books to read at home, so at 10:30 at night I snuck into my mom's room and grabbed it, then snuck back into my room. I stayed up til 3:45 reading. I tried to put it down and fall asleep probably close to 8 times, but I couldn't stop thinking about it. My favorite book to date. And do not even get me started on the movie. For the most part, I agree with "The books are always better thing," but in this case, I think the movie was just as good. One day I watched it 7 times all the way through, back to back. 

Best Animated Movie-

These awards don't have a timeline. My picks can be as old as I want them to be alright? But this is my favorite movie like ever. I just feel like Lilo and I are pretty much identical twins whenever I watch that movie.  (Except for the fact that she is a cute little Hawaiian girl and I am a white girl who lives in Utah, but you understand what I mean.) We have the same personality. 

Movie of All Time- 

You all know it's true though. I could watch this on repeat for the rest of my life. Actually, this is the only movie that has ever made me cry. Just a little 'Jackie Fact' for you. 

Cutest Cat- 

She loves me

My cat's name is Ninja, but mostly I call her Neen. Which is actually kind of weird because it takes the same amount of time to say "Neen" as it does to say "Ninja." So it's not a really great nickname but that's ok. 

Thank you all so much for coming out tonight! We hope you had a great time at the show, have a safe drive home. 

I'll try to have a safe walk to the refrigerator, which is where I am now going. 

If you were confused, that was supposed to be like the end of an awards show, but the more I read it, the more I feel like it isn't going to make sense to other people. It was me trying to be clever. Sorry. 

Friday, December 7, 2012

Pizza and Halloween Candy Aren't Good Pre-Workout Snacks

     So incase you were not aware, I quite enjoy playing lacrosse. Contrary to popular belief, I do not lay on the couch with a bag of chips in my lap ALL year long. I only do that for most of the year. But alas, pre-season lacrosse conditioning has begun. I have this nifty little calendar that tells me what I have to workout every day, that my coaches so generously put together and gave us all at the first pre-season meeting this past Wednesday night.
   On top of that, this conditioning is self-mandated, so I had the task of figuring out how in the world I'm going to make myself have the self discipline to do all the fun things. So I was pondering this, and I had this idea come to me. Like a vision. When I am running and planking and lunging and all that jazz, I think to myself: Jackie. Justin Bieber is at the end of this run. He is waiting for you. Are you going to give up now, let him down, and spend the rest of your life alone?

     Needless to say, I then run like heck.

     Yesterday was the first day of these festivities, and I learned quite a valuable lesson. If you have done nothing but lay on your bed and watch TV for four months, and then go try to run 2 miles at 6 mph with a stomach full of pizza and leftover Halloween candy, you WILL throw up. (And people in the gym bathroom will most likely suspect that you are bulimic or something.)

     Also, if you go four months doing nothing, and then go do a bunch of core and lower body strength exercises, you will not be able to get out of your bed in the morning. Like, physically not able, because your core (or in my case, abs of steel) are extremely sore and you cannot move. Just a heads up.

     And! The other thing about this fun schedule that I now have, is that I have workouts every single day of the week except for Wednesdays and Sundays. Umm, excuse me, but what the heck? Do I look like I have time to go workout? I'm kind of busy watching TV. Thanks anyway though.

    So, thats how my Thursday went. I'll keep you all updated. And feel free to go ask some of my fellow teammates how their training is going. They would be: ClaireLivi, and Maddie. They may try to discount this whole post by calling me out on how I make these sound a lot worse than they are. Don't listen.

My life for the next month. #yay

Friday, November 16, 2012

List of Thankful-ness

Image Courtesy

I never really know how to start these things, so you'll have to excuse my abrupt-ness. Thinking of clever openings isn't really my thing.

It is almost Thanksgiving, as many of you may know. And I like Thanksgiving. But I was thinking to myself recently, and I was like, "Jackie. The only reason you like thanksgiving is because you can eat like a trucker and no one really cares." I got to thinking, and I decided to make myself a list of 10 things that I'm thankful for, and what better place to do it than on the internet for all to read? So here you are, my list of Thankful-ness  (I'm gonna apologize in advance for the sappy-ness, I'm usually not the happy cry because I just love everything type but I was feeling somewhat sentimental)
1. The first thing I am Thankful for, is my family. Honestly, sometimes I really do not like them at all, but I'll always love them no matter what. They love me and support me. And I guess that's all you can really ask out of a family right?

2. The second thing that I am thankful for, are also part of my family. We are not related by blood, but my friends are like, my favorite people in the whole world. My friends know how to cheer me up, make me laugh, calm me down, and fire me up. They understand me more than anyone else and they never let me down.

3.  The third thing I'm thankful for, is my music. I do not know what I would do without my music. Like seriously, I'm like a mental patient and it's the only thing that makes me sane.

4. Number four is my living status. You know, my house, and food, and clothes. All that jazz. Cause really, it would not be fun to not have that stuff, and a lot of people don't. So I'm lucky that I do.

5. Fifth thing I'm thankful for is my education. School stresses me out and sometimes I really hate it, but I do really appreciate the fact that I get an education

6. The sixth thing on this list, would be all of my technology and electronic devices. I probably send like, at least 200 messages a day on my cell phone. Not to mention my numerous daily tweets, status updates, instagram posts, etc. I spend like half my life with my electronics and I'm not really sure how I would spend my time if I didn't have them.

7. I am thankful that I am fortunate enough to be born and raised in a place as amazing as Park City. The scenery, people, atmosphere, and life style here is really awesome. People spend enormous amounts of money to come vist here and I get to live it every day

8. Number eight. I am thankful for my eyelashes. Ask anyone I know, I am not a conceited person, my my eyelashes are some quality lashes.

9.  The ninth thing on my List of Thankful-ness are my pets. I am really thankful that I have my pets. If I didn't have them, I would probably end up talking to myself more than I already do.

10. The final thing on my list, is my ability to dream. My optimism. I would not want to live life if I didn't have those wishes that I hold on to. How boring would it be to get up everyday and not have something to work for, to believe in?

You know, when I think about it, I'm not really good at closing statements either. I'm just kind of an awkward person.

Side Note: I wanted to give you all a heads up in regard to my next blog post. I don't want to say too much, but for a little general idea / hint, you guys can check out this blog called 366 Random Acts.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Fridays Are Like Chocolate Frosty Dipped Wendy's Fries

So today is Friday. That puts me in an exceptional mood for several reasons. Frist off, the obvious one, the weekend starts at 2:30. Thank the Lord. Not that I've ever heard anyone say, "I hate weekends," but I would like to stress exactly how much I love weekends. Weekends are like the piece of carmel turtle pecan cheesecake after eating 10 tons of brussel sprouts all week long. They are like getting Wendy's french fries (the best fast food fries ever) and a chocolate frosty to dip them in after getting shots at the doctors. They are just grand.

Side note: I also really really really enjoy Thursday nights between 7:00 and 8:00 because that is when The Vampire Diaries is on TV. If you have never seen that show, I feel like it is my duty to warn you, that if you start, it is impossible to stop. And you might think I am exaggerating that statement, but ask anyone who knows me on a personal basis, I'm addicted to that show like it's cocaine. People have learned the hard way not to bother me on my Thursday nights. 

Alright, back to Fridays. The other reason I am in love with Fridays, is because 'round these parts, some people call this here day 'Fat Day Friday.' Actually there's only two people (that I know of) that call it that, and those two people would be yours truly, and one of my best friends, Abi.  "What is Fat Day Friday?" you ask? Well, I will gladly tell you exactly what it is. Fat Day Friday is when we go out after school to a large variety of places that sell food, and eat at much as we possibly can without throwing up. Because let's be honest here, food is the meaning of life. 

We started this little tradition of ours very recently. Today will actually be the 2nd ever Fat Day Friday. It's a little bit ironic how we seem to think Fat Day Friday is the only day we pig out though, since I'm pretty sure what I eat on a daily basis would be considered "pigging out." But nevertheless, I quite enjoy it. And to give you an idea of exactly what a Fat Day Friday entails, last week we went to Cafe Rio and split a pork barbacoa burrito, Starbucks, Kneaders,  a whole Dominos Meat Lovers pizza,  two Drumsticks, and 3 cans of Sierra Mist. All in a time span of like, 5 hours. And that was on a limited budget. Luckily, Abi's birthday was recently so we have plenty of money to go super hard this week. Holy cow my life is exciting.

Picture at Starbucks from last Fat Day Friday

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Image Courtesy of
So that time of year has rolled around again. End of the quarter. It kind of reminds me of dooms day in a way. (I don't really know what 'Dooms Day' is, or if it's a real thing, but I imagine it's not a very fun day.)

I'm going to make this next point cautiously because the whole reason behind this blog is so my English teacher can read it and give me a grade, so there is a 100% chance that he will see it. I am a procrastinator. No matter how hard I try to not be, I am. I put things off until the last possible minute and then freak out because I have 10 minutes to finish my biology report or 7 minutes before that assignment turn in spot locks me out and I get a 0. But  I rarely ever fail classes because of this nasty trait. (That's a joke if you couldn't tell; I don't actually ever fail classes.) Somehow I've come to realize that that is just how I work. However unbelievable this may sound to some people, I have found that I work more efficiently and even produce better work when I have a tight time limit on me. In the few instances that I have tried working on a long term project on a schedule like more students do, I can't come up with good ideas, I get writers block, I don't work how I know that I can. So you can imagine, being the procrastinator that I am, when the final week of the quarter rolls around, I get extremely stressed out. Like, my heart beats at an unusually high rate every minute of every day for the whole week, I always feel light headed, and I can't have a conversation with someone without having them ask if I feel ok because I look like I'm about to pass out.

Case in point, I'm writing this blog post the day before it's due.

Anyway, the real point of this blog post was not to try and convince my teacher that I am a terrible student, it is to explain to you how I try to deal with this stress.

If you're anything like me, music is like a magic, all-calming, slow-your-heart-rate-to-a-normal-pace force. Music actually solves like 99.9% of my emotional problems like when I go into my rages that are typical of an Aquarius, I listen to music and it calms me down. When I get sad or overly emotional about something because I am, in fact, a teenage girl, I listen to music and it makes me not as sad. When I'm stressed as stressed can be, I listen to music and it helps me get a grip on myself. Music is simply, the key to life. (Might I suggest the new Taylor Swift album? I love love love it.)

And if music isn't really your thing, (aside from the fact that you have no soul and are most likely an alien or some other sort of not-human being,) then I also would suggest that you exercise, read a book, take a hot shower, light a candle, etc.

I will say one thing though. Some people might suggest a nap or a bubble bath. Do.Not.Listen.To.Them. I hate both. I hate baths, and I hate naps. Naps, it's like, you go to sleep in the daytime. That is not a normal thing! We sleep at night! And then if you take a nap, when you wake up it's like, "What year is it? It was light when I went to sleep and now it's dark. I hate everything. What the heck?" And then we have baths. Why why why would you take a bath? All you do it sit there and like, look around. Plus when you run a bath, you try to get in and it's like a lava pit, but then you get in after it cools a little bit and 5 minutes later it's like you're swimming in the arctic. They are just terrible.

I apologize for the unrelated rant, but I had to say it. It just wasn't really an option.

So there you have my ways to deal with the stress brought on by my excessive procrastination, but if you are to take one thing away from this post, I hope that it's that baths and naps are terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad things. Wait no, that's not it. I can't make up my mind. It's probably my ADD.

-Jackie <3

Friday, October 5, 2012

There's a First Time For Everything

Welcome To My Blog!   

I'm just going to be upfront about this first key point here, and that is that I do not know how to blog. I do not know the rules of blogging (well I kind of do because we had a presentation on it in English) and I do not know if this is even a real blog topic (talking about the overall blog topic, not the topic of this post). But nevertheless, I am always up for a challenge and in time, I'm sure I'll come to learn how to blog. But right now I'm sure you're wondering who I am and why I have this blog and what this blog is even about. Well that my dear people, I would love to tell you.

Let's start with who I am shall we? For some reason whenever anyone asks me to tell them about myself, I draw almost a blank. My name (Jackie), how old I am (15 in January, thank you very much), and that I like to sing, play lacrosse, and softball are really the only the immediate responses that come to my mind for this question. But because I want you, reader, to be able to relate to me in some way, I will do a little bit of soul searching. Let's see, I don't like the dark (it scares me), I love roller coasters and cliff jumping and any pretty much any sort of adrenaline rush. I'm not shy at all if I've never met you before and will never see you again, but I am shy if I feel intimidated by you or don't feel comfortable around you. I just might be the most competitive person you ever meet. I daydream all the time. I hate disappointing people. I'm terrified of embarrassment. My favorite TV shows are Pretty Little Liars (because I love the drama and suspense and romance), Criminal Minds (because it just plainly fascinates me), and Modern Family (because it's hilarious.) I love to laugh and I do it all the time. So there you go.

I started this blog as an ongoing project for my ninth grade Honors English class. And the million dollar question: what is this blog about? Well this blog is about the life of a teenage girl. I'm hoping readers in the same demographic as me (girls 13-17 ish) can relate to some of these posts, and others will be entertained by my hopefully humorous series of articles about my life. It is about my life and my story. My day to day happenings that I find internet worthy will all be yours for the reading.

One blog that really inspired me was a blog, also from blogspot, called Story of My Life. The blog is written by Jenni, a 25 year old woman who writes about generally the same topic I want to write about, her life. I really liked this blog for it's content and her voice and personality really shines through.

Another blog that inspired me was called, My Life in Blog Years. I really liked the layout of this blog and how easy it was to navigate around her site.

I'm really excited to be starting this project and hope that you enjoy this blog! Blog you later fellow internet people. Peace.

- Jackie