Tuesday, April 16, 2013


idk those just made me laugh so i thot maybe u wud laf 2 lol jackie wat u crazy gnome.

Just a few #JackieFacts for you to read and then judge me about.

1.  I HATE bananas. If I was stranded on an island and the only food on that island were bananas, I would die of starvation.

2.  I am indeed about that ADD lyfe tho.

3.  I love JB and T-Swiz and if you hate on them there is a 94.6% chance I will come to your house in the middle of the night and shave your hair into a mohawk. A really badly done, unstylish mohawk.

4. Summa time is the best time and I was meant to live at the beach.

5. I play (whoa I was trying to type "play" but I typed "okay" by accident ok never mind continue) lacrosse. Specifically defense and some midfield.

6. I'm undeniably the most fierce, fearless, flawless, ratchet, bamf, gnome member of the Buckman family. (I was gonna say in the world but then I came up with a long list of people that would be ahead of me.)

7. For a career, I would like to be either a Veterinarian for the ASPCA, or an extremely successful singer/songwriter. I have diverse taste.

8. I love the internet.

9. I love fashion, even though you wouldn't be able to tell since most of the time I'm dressed like I'm an urban camper. (That's the nice word for hobo.)

10. I'm addicted to music like it's cocaine.

11. I believe that life is both chance and choice.

12.  My soul is made of cake and popcorn chicken

13.  Polar bears are my favorite animal and I plan on buying one. And people always tell me, "Jackie are you serious? It's gonna eat you, it's a wild animal, blah blah blah. " But I have a plan. If I buy it as a cub and raise it as my own, it will love me and not eat me so LET ME LIVE OKAY.

14. Sparkles are a way of life. 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Throwback Thursday

Wuddup homeslices hollaback at ya dawg J-Bizzle in the hizhouseeeee. 

lol jackie u crazy gnome wat. 

Sorry, I'll stop. 

First of all, before we get started, I wanted to share a creation of mine with you. I was looking at one of our JV team pictures and saw this...
Thank you Maddie.

AND ALSO, TODAY IS THURSDAY, WHICH IS ALSO KNOWN AS "THROWBACK THURSDAY," SO TODAY, WE WILL BE THROWING IT WAY BACK. Wayyyyyyy back. Are you ready for this? (dun dun dun, duna-na dun dun dun, dun-na-na)

Back when I was cute. (Just kidding I wasn't even cute as a child.) 

Friday, April 5, 2013

Day of a Jackie

First of all, I want to start of by letting you all know that I think Demi Lovato is a fearless, flawless, perfect little bamf. 

And sometimes I listen to her beautiful Camp Rock songs.

(By "sometimes," I mean daily.)

Today I figured I would write a nice little blog post for you peasants about a typical Jackie day, so you can have an idea of how I live. I don't know why I thought you would care about my life.

First thing that happens to me, is my alarm goes off. Every single morning without fail, it takes me a minimum of 9 minutes to understand what is going on and that my alarm is even going off. It like gets incorporated into my dream or something. 

Then when I get my act together enough to understand that my alarm is going off, I go through all the things in my head that must be done before I go to school, and I rank them in order of importance. Then when this is done, I figure out how many I can forfeit for extra minutes of sleep. Some frequent examples would include...

  • Doing my hair
  • Picking out a non-homeless person looking outfit to wear
When I finally throw myself out of bed, I proceed to pick out something to wear. It is either something swagtastic and fearless, accentuating my edgy, girly-girl, mermaid, gnome, fairy, biker, boho, hipster style, or it looks like I need to be nominated to go on What Not To Wear. 

I proceed to go downstairs to my bathroom (Which is weird because there is a bathroom right next to my room, but for some reason that one belongs to my sister and the one on another level belongs to me.) and brush my teeth and do my hair. Generally, the case is that I stayed in bed too long and have to do my makeup at school before class. Don't judge. 

Following this I go through three hour and 45 minute long classes (See Thoughts During School to find out what goes on in my head throughout these,) until it's lunch time. Then I go to lunch and sometimes cry tears of joy because I just love food so much. Food is like an emotion that I feel in my soul.

After that we go to one more class and then I get on my bus and sit alone and listen to music. Alone. Surprise surprise.

When I get home I look for food, but since we never actually have any real food, I usually just make myself some toast.

I feel like this is getting boring... Oh well. Sor sor.

Then I sit around and play on my iPod until it's time to go to lacrosse practice. I refuse to do any homework before I go to lacrosse, and I don't really know why, but I do.

Swagalicious lacrosse practice is the time when I go hang out with all my swag gnomes and we play the game of lacrosse. Swag.

Then when I get home I stay up until 11:00 hating myself for not doing some of my homework before practice when I should've. And then I fall asleep and dream weird Jackie dreams and do it all again the next day.

Guys I'm really sorry that this post sucks as bad as the Boston Red Sox (Go Yanks!). I am just a gnome. What more can you expect of me?

OH and also, home lax game. Today. 6:15. Matt Knoop Memorial Park.

Be there or be square.

You'll probably be square because I'm putting this up a few hours before the event, but now we're even. You didn't come to my lacrosse game, I didn't give you a good post. Love you. Meow, bye.