Friday, March 22, 2013

Thoughts During School

Hahahahahah ahh I'll bet that was unexpected. Happy Thursday you little meatballs of wonderful. This evening, I have a lovely post for you. It is entitled, "Thoughts During School." For all you, um... slower.. children, this means tonight I will be sharing some of the things I think during prison- I mean school.

At school:

Me as I'm about to walk past someone coming in the opposite direction : oh god do i smile at them or just not look at them what if i smile and they dont smile back i'll look stupid maybe i won't make eye contact but wait that's rude and if i don't smile it will just be an awkward stare oh god what do i do

Me: Can you move?

Me: Is it really necessary to stop right there in the middle of the hallway so you can hug?

Me: Jackie you're just jealous cause no one hugs you

Me: Shut up self, you're such a brat. Besides, we're the same person.

Me: You know what they don't teach in school? Real stuff. Like, I'm sure glad I don't know what the heck a mortgage even is, but when the time comes, I'll know how to use the Pythagorean Theorum. (Just kidding I don't know how to use the Pythagorean Theorum)

Me: Okay well if my mom doesn't have to know the capital of Lithuania, I shouldn't have to either. 

Me: Hungry

Me: Hungry

Me: Hungry

Me: Hungry

Me: Oh.My.God. I hate her. Girl thinks she can just come up in this classroom and start breathing. What, she thinks she owns the place or something? No. Get out.

Me: I wish I had friends

Me: What day is it

Me: I hope they have chicken nuggets for lunch

Me: Is it legal to marry food?

Me: Maybe I should stare at my crush 

Me: What? You're so stupid. That's the worst idea I've ever heard. How could that possibly turn out well?

Me: I don't know! I just have ideas ok? They aren't always perfect. 

Me: I wish I had an endless supply of money

Me: I wonder if it's legal to own a tiger cub as a pet


  1. This is why we are friends.

  2. I clicked on Unicorns right before I was going to go to sleep. Thank you for ruining my night. And also thank you for making my day with this wonderfully true post.

  3. This is my favorite post. The demons were scary!

