Friday, July 12, 2013

Back From The Dead


Hello my precious children I've missed you dearly. I'm sorry I have been missing for such a long period of time but I'm back now. 

Originally, this blog post was supposed to be the long-awaited live commenting on The Notebook which I watched for the first time last week, but complications arose. You see, all my comments were on a note on my iPod, and then I sort of left it outside and it rained and killed my anti phone and so unfortunately, I lost my notes. But the show must go on, so I'll fill you in on where I've been for the past however long it's been. (PS, I  just had deja vu)

We'll start of all the way back when school was still in session. 

June 1st, 2013 - Madeline and I go to our Taylor Swift concert. We got there early and walked over to a radio station van that was there doing giveaways of all sorts of neat stuff. We were there for almost two hours enthusiastically participating in these contests to try and win better tickets. Finally, it was the very last contest and they were giving away the very last pair of front row seat tickets. You had to call in and whoever was caller number 30 won the tickets. Madeline handed me her phone and I started dialing. All of a sudden I hear, "Caller number 30? caller number 30?" right in my ear. Then we freaked out and cried and got the tickets and had the time of our lives being arms lengths away from the beautiful, flawless, goddess, Taylor.  

June 4th, 2013 - You little rascals made me very happy by awarding my the best blog award. Seriously that was rad of you cool cats and I enjoy you guys. 

June 17th, 2013 - I left Park City and headed for Augusta, Georgia, to go live with Natalie for three weeks. Needless to say we had many gnar adventures. We went to a lax camp at UNC and then we went to South Beach Miami for the week of the 4th. 

July 10th, 2013 - I got back to our little City of Park and have since been working or doing nothing or hanging out with my amigos. And that has been the summer of Jackie Buckman thus far. 

I pinky swear on neen that I'll be better about posting from here on out. (You know when I bring out the Neen Swear that I aint messin around so keep checking back ok?)


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