Thursday, August 8, 2013


HELLO DARLINGS. Currently I am writing to you from an internet cafe in South Africa. Exotic, I'm aware. I actually don't really have anything else to say other than please don't stop checking in, because posts WILL be here eventually, it's just difficult at the present moment because I do not have internet access at all (except when I get to an internet cafe) and this will continue for another two weeks. I'm sure my foreign adventures will make for some decent posts though so, yeah, there you go. 

A survival tip to get you through two weeks so that you're not all dead when I come back: If you get kidnapped, start like babbling random words in a whisper voice and whoever took you will be confused for a second like, "what? why are they whispering names of fruits?" and then you run away.

Also, here are some cats playing guitars

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