Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Confessions Of A CWG

First of all, my sincere apologies to Claire. I had promised her this post would be up last night, and it turns out I'm just a big fat liar. I got home from lacrosse at 9:30 last night and then had to complete an assignment for Honors Bio, my vital vocab for English, and study for the Geography final I just took. (Congratulations to me on my A by the way.) 

This fine Tuesday, I will share with you some confessions. The confessions of a common white girl.

1. I can not go to Starbucks with out taking a picture of my cup. If I don't, did it ever really happen? How are people going to know I'm cool and I go to Starbucks unless I document it? 

2. Pink is my favorite color. 

3. If something has sparkles, I am forced to love it. You could wear the ugliest outfit in the history of the world, but if it had sparkles I would want it. It's a scientific fact.

4. One of my more major goals in life is to own 365 pairs of shoes so I can wear a different pair every day of the year. 

5. I think I'm from the ghetto.

6. There are at least 7 different celebrities who I would seriously consider killing someone to meet.

7.  Has only white apple products.

8. Whenever I post a selfie, you can bet your cat that the caption is a song quote or a quote I found in my google search for "quotes about life."

9.  Crucify me, but I own a pair of sparkly fake uggs which I purchased at Justice. 

10. When Pretty Little Liars is in season, I watch it every Tuesday night like my life depends on it. 

11. Summer is my favorite season and I would live at the beach if I could. I'm also 73.2364% sure that I am a mermaid, due to my fabulous flawless-nes, soooo...

12. My typical weekend consists of me sitting in front of my computer in my pajamas watching Netflix for around 14 hours straight (And that's per day)

13. Someone: Hi
      Me:  *You're

14. I go as many days as possible without shaving my legs but then when I do shave them I have to make sure everyone in the state of Utah feels how smooth they are. 

15. The only dance I am good at is the Harlem Shake because I'm incapable of dancing without looking like I'm having a seizure.


  1. Finally. Thanks for the confessions. And the apology. :)

  2. Jackie. I AM A MERMAID TOO! This is unbelievable. You're hilarious. just p.s.
