Friday, March 8, 2013

Text Message Decoder

It's Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Fridayyyy
Everybody's lookin forward to the weekend, weekend
Friday, Friday-

Ok that's enough of that. 

 IN OTHER NEWS I FEEL REALLY BAD I HAVEN'T BEEN POSTING AS FREQUENTLY AS I SHOULD BE. I used to be way better about it and I'm really truly sorry and I will try to be better about it. 

Today I've come here to change and revolutionize your life. We all have waded through the confusing waters of text messaging and it can sometimes be confusing, but today everything will be cleared up. I'm here to explain to you the meaning behind common text messages we receive so you'll never be left wondering, ".....what?"

Let's start with the basics. 

This was the only picture of a phone that I had

Hi -  This means that they want to start a conversation with you but are a little bit awkward and weird and don't know how to do it. I personally HATE when I get a text just saying "Hi," because, well it just bothers me. Like, I know you're struggling here, but that's not how you do it. 

Hey - Just a normal "hey." Don't read into this one too much. 

Heyy - A friendly "hey." Like what you would get from a friend. You could also get a "heyy:)," with a smiley at the end. This means that they're happy you engaged in conversation and want you to keep talking. 

Heyyy - If someone sends this to you as a conversation starter, that means that they're into you. If you get it as a reply, it's used as a reply to a conversation starter, you're annoying the noodles out of them and you should probably just stop. 

:) - You just said something cute, or funny, or maybe you complimented me, and it made me happy and now I don't know what else to say, but I don't want to stop talking to you. I mean, this could be love! Can we get married?

;) - I think we all know what a winky face means. Don't make me spell it out for you. 

:-) - This is probably your grandma or maybe even your mom, but only old people put a nose on their smiley face.

Haha yeah. - You're annoying but I'm too nice to tell you to leave me alone and I really want this conversation to be over. 

We should hang out sometime - Let's hookup. 

K. - You better seriously watch your back because you just pissed me off big time and I'm probably plotting to kill your family as we speak. Then after that, don't be surprised if you are kidnapped and tortured dying a slow painful death. Then after you're dead, I might come and twerk on your grave.

Sooooo, yeah. (That's also how I end every single presentation I ever give to the class.) 


  1. Jackie,
    You just made my life. And you need to post more, so you can make me happy. Like, all the time.

  2. Jackie.... I want to be you! Hahahaha this was the most amazing, hilarious blog ever! Keep up the good work!

  3. Jackie your posts are hilarious!:)

  4. This is why we are ferns

  5. This is probably the truest thing I have ever had the pleasure of reading

  6. Jackie your so silly..i just loled becuase of the old person nose smiley face. Truer than true

  7. I feel educated on texting etiquette! Even my sister said "I don't know if anyone ever put a nose on a smiley face." Consider me schooled.
