Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Emotional Investment in the Media

Happy Tuesday my lovelies! I hope you're all doing well on this fine day that actually happens to be my fourth least favorite day of the week. (In order from 'wow you make me want to drink a bottle of bleach', to 'let's get married', it goes Monday, Sunday, Thursday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday, Friday.) 

I feel like I've been absent from my blog for a long time and I sincerely apologize for that. We had February Break last week during which I went to Disneyland. The 11 hour car ride to Anaheim is always a bonus as well. *Sarcasm* 

Then we went back to school yesterday and in third period I all of a sudden felt really sick. I proceded to feel like death for the rest of the day which was especially convient since it was also the first day of softball tryouts. And I couldn't figure out what was wrong because I had every symptom known to man. Like I had chills, a fever, a migrane, felt like I was gonna throw up, dizzy, sore throat, cough, etc. Basically one big super illness. I call it the 'Jackie' and as soon as I figure out how to hack into WebMD and add it, the symptoms list will just say, 'everything.' 

Ok wait what was I even writing about again? Like I got so off topic I forgot what this post was even about. Lol at my life. 

Emotional investment in the media. Oh lawd Jesus. How do I even go about explaining myself to you? I care more about what happens in fictional character's lives than I do about what happens in my own. Two shows in particular are Vampire Diaries and Pretty Little Liars. Like, (Yes, I'm aware that I start 98.362% of my sentences with the word 'like', but that's how I talk in real life, so that's how I'm going to talk on the internet.) I don't even have words when I try to talk about them. All I do is make 'uggh' and 'sigh' noises and think that people will just understand. I don't know how they made me get so attached to them. It's a TV show, like, you shouldn't care that much. BUT I DO. I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY DO. 

When I first started watching The Vampire Diaries, I had absolutely no clue what I was about to do to my life. I watched the first episode on Netflix one day just because I was bored and it was both the best and worst thing that's ever happened to me. I don't know what a cocaine addiction is like, but I am 99% sure it's identical to what I have with that show. I watched three full seasons in a time span of five days. Do you know how many episodes are in a season of TVD? Twenty two. And do you know how long each one is? An hour. So twenty two times three is 66. That means 66 hours. Because you can't stop. You think I'm exaggerating but I'm not. You literally can not stop. I swear on my cat's life. (Now you know I'm not joking around cause she's like, my only friend.) 

They get you hooked, and then they think they can just do all these things that they know are going to tear you apart. Like, "Oh you really liked this character huh? Well now we have to kill him." Like, um can you not. 

I made this chart, courtesy of Create A Graph to show you a little bit of my life. 
  Oh and don't even get me started on the whole "Toby-Spencer" situation on PLL. No. 


  1. I can't even deal with what happens on PPL or Vampire diaries, all it does is makes me mad. But I still love it. Oh by the way you don't only have you cat as your only friend you have me:)... and sloths.
