Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Coke or Pepsi

Hello my earthlings. I love love love posting for you guys so much cause you are so phenomenally outstandingly stupefyingly amazing and make me feel so warm and fuzzy on the inside. So on the bus ride home today (I do a lot of thinking on the bus) I brainstormed some ideas for posts, and one of them I'm going to do, right here, right now. 

I was thinking we could play some Coke or Pepsi?

I'm hoping it's gonna turn out  more entertaining than it sounds now that I'm writing it down.... whatever. #YOLO

1. What is one word that describes you?


2. Coke or Pepsi?

Ok like, I've never understood if that was even a real question. Like, is that some sort of joke? Why would anyone ever chose Pepsi? Pepsi is like Coke's ugly younger cousin who can't get a date to the dance. Like, no Pepsi, stop trying and please go sit in your corner. 

3. Mood?

Right now I'm feeling pretty.......ummm calm I guess. 

4. Favorite Song?

What is my favorite song as of late? Hmm. Well actually I haven't been able to get "Catch My Breath" by Kelly C out of my head, but "50 Ways To Say Goodbye" by Train never really gets old to me. Oh and obviously any TSweezy or JB, but that goes without saying. Also I love love love Cassadee Pope; covers and original. Oh and of course He is We. And The Fray. And One Republic.  

5. Glamorous or Casual?

If you say casual you are lying to yourself

6. Beach or Mountains?

Beach. BeachBeachBeachBeachBeach. That might be cause I'm part mermaid. 

7. Messy or Neat?

Well I mean, I would like things to be neat, I just don't want to be the one to have the task of making them neat. 

8. Extrovert or Introvert?

Wait is extrovert the people one and introverts the loner one? Well I'm a Jackievert, and that's the cool type. 

9. Dreamer or Do-er?

Dreamer. The last time I ever did something was never. 

10. TV or Book?


11. Do you wish on stars?

The real question is, do stars wish on me?

12. Believe in love at first sight?

Yes? I see food all the time...

13. Dog or Cat person?

Okay, now you're all jumping to the conclusion that I'm a cat person, but you're wrong. I love dogs too. I'm neither type. I'm just an animal person. 

14. Vanilla or Chocolate Ice Cream?

Cheesecake frozen yogurt with cheeckcake bites and grahmcrackers. Don't tell me what to do. 


  1. Jackie, you are simply amazing. :)

  2. "Don't tell me what to do." You are hilarious. Your blog is an engaging, interesting description of you. If there's ever an acceptable time to use the phrase "LOL," it's now. "L. O. freaking L."

  3. If I could do the laughing with tears emoji face right now I would. Just saying.

  4. "Do you believe in first sight?
    ...yes? I see food all the time?"
