Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Live Commenting

First before I start this post, I wanted to adress something. In the past few days I have had multiple people tell me that they love this blog and how it's so funny. Really, that makes my day. You guys don't understand how much that means to me and y'all (what am I from the South now?) are outstandingly stupendously extraordinarily phenomenally amazing. And I'm not a mushy kind of person so for me to be saying this must mean quite a lot. Thank you guys again. 

Anyways, I was so excited about all the nice things people said about my blog, I started getting super excited and brainstorming post ideas. One of them that I thought I would try today. 

When I say this, a lot of you are going to be shocked and be like "What?! How have you never seen that?! You can't be a girl if you've never ever watched that movie!" 


I, Jacqueline Rachel Buckman, have never seen The Notebook.

Please, I know how shocking that must be, but hush. I'm going to make it up to you. My idea is that I am going to go sit down and watch the infamous film, and live comment while doing so. This way you can all read my reactions to the movie. I'm going to write whatever pops into my head so it might not always be really on topic, but just go with it. First though, I actually have to see if it's on Netflix. If it's not that will make my life considerably more difficult but I'll persevere. 

Their site is under maintenance? EXCUSE ME WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH MY LIFE UNTIL IT'S BACK UP? Actually, the funny thing is, I don't actually even have a Netflix account. I just use my friend Nicole's. Thank the lord she let's me, because I don't know what I would do if I didn't have easy access to all the Drake and Josh episodes. 
( I'm so conflicted about that show though, because Drake Bell ripped on JB this one time and so I'm like "No, we are not friends anymore." But then I was like, "WAIT, I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOU!" cause that show is just so funny I can't even stand it.")

Well this is kind of awkward. 

IDEA. How about we postpone The Notebook, and I'll go comment on last night's Pretty Little Liars episode instead? (Aired on January 15, 2013) Don't worry, I promise promise promise I'll get to The Notebook as soon as Netflix gets their life together. 

Alright so here we go. 

Get some headphones so my mom thinks I'm doing homework and listening to music instead of watching TV

Left my headphones downstairs in my bathroom. 

Contemplating finishing this post later because I don't want to go get the headphones. 

No Jackie, get up. 

Got them.

Alright commercials. 

Oooh, episode's called "Mona Mania." 

I hope Toby takes his shirt off. What? Who said that?

"Previously on Pretty Little Liars"

Wish I looked like Aria.

Too late stupid-face Byron. You're not allowed to accuse your daughter of doing things like that, and then just be all good. 

Oh yeah! I forgot about the Ezra-baby-daddy situation. 

Harold is such an old man name.

Awww, I always had a soft spot for Lucas. 

I kinda wish my life was more like this show. Most exciting thing that ever happens to me is when my mom lets me turn the thermostat up to 61. 

Theory: they are all secretly witches and put a spell on themselves that makes them always look amazing and gives them unlimited cute clothes that they never wear twice

Wait I missed something! Rewind.

So the random kid who fell off the bike last episode was named Brad. He hit his trachea on the handle bars. Hate when I do that. 

Ohhhhhhhh throwin it DOWN.

Sometimes Spencer reminds me of a news anchor lady.

If I was Aria's mom and Meredith said one word to me, I would've thrown her in a garbage can. Like, how about no. Get away from me. 


My life is a constant battle of trying to come to terms with the fact that my life will never be like a romantic comedy or dramatic TV show.

How do I get my face to look like that?


Oh nuggets, it's over?

Now I'll go try to find ways to occupy myself until next Tuesday when another new episode comes out.

Ehhhhhh now I'm mad because I feel like this post didn't turn out as amazingly as I thought it would.


I'll do better next time guys. 

1 comment:

  1. Jackie,

    Thank you for reposting this! It is amazing, and so are you.
