Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Going Green

If you say you've never googled yourself, then you're lying. I actually do it quite frequently. I'm not really sure what I'm expecting to come up since I've not really done anything of importance that would be recognized on the internet, but that never seems to discourage me. 

So anyway, when I googled myself this afternoon, I found something I thought I would just share with you guys.  

A few years ago in girl scouts, my troop made a video on how to go green and we entered it in a video contest that the Park City Green organization was having. Not to brag or anything, but we won for the group category. No big deal. 

Anyway, here you go. 

This is also a prime example of how cool I used to be. You can really tell I was popular cause I wore super fashionable clothes and had super nifty braces and a rockin hair cut. Not to mention my adorable little lisp voice. Ahh the good old days. 


  1. Oh My Goodness! That just made my night. Screw that, it just made my life! Thank you for that wonderful entertainment:)

  2. Jackie,

    You are the coolest kid. Like ever.

  3. i may or may not have watched that video 12+ times... what? who said that? not me.

  4. Jackie be composting.... Listen to your little baby voice! Um, well, she doesn't talk much... haahahahhahahah Love you, Jackie <3

  5. Hey Jackie,

    It's kind of your birthday today. And you kind of didn't post like you said you would. Oh, whatever. I'll comment on this blog post instead.

    You are possibly the coolest person in the whole world besides Taylor Swift. I mean, you guys are pretty close on the coolness scale. Well, happy birthday. I mean HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU FIFTEEN YEAR OLD YOU!

    P.S. We are going to rock it at Taylor Swift in June.
