Friday, January 11, 2013

Bieber Fever

It's no real secret that I'm deeply in love with Justin Bieber. And really, I don't think people understand exactly how much I love him. They probably have an idea, but I like, LOVE him. A lot. Hardcore Belieber. 


On Saturday, January 5th, 2013, I saw him live in concert in Salt Lake City, Utah. 

Just take a minute to process that.

It was the best day of my whole life. 

So during the day, I was with my BFF Natalie. Natalie used to live here and she moved away, but we have biannual visits. I don't know if biannual means two times a year, but I hope it does, cause that's what I meant. (I promised Natalie I would blog about her, but I won't go into much detail right now because she is getting her own separate post.) So anyway, we were at her hotel and she helped me get all ready. I had to look perf. We are getting married you know. So I bought my Wal-Mart acrylic nails, slapped those on. And then I attempted to put on fake eyelashes for the first time in my whole life. The first one turned out pretty good, but the second one was just a mess. I got lash glue all over the actual lashes an then they all clumped together and dried and I couldn't get them apart. Plus, I glued it to high up on my eye so one of my eyes had an eyelash with like 4 large lash clumps glued to the middle of the eyelid. Scrapped those and just went with my own real eyelashes.

And the shirt I had was just prime time. Natalie had given it to me for Christmas.

And it's so warm

Then I left to go meet Abi (you all know Abi from my Fatday Friday Post). Natalie didn't go because we didn't know she would be here when we got tickets. Plus she's not in love with him like Abi and I are. 

The concert was at Energy Solutions Arena, so we drove down the canyon having a pre concert jam sesh to JB. Well actually, we didn't drive, our moms drove, but same thing. 

Classy in the O'Shucks bathroom

More pictures, 'cause we're cute

Anyway, when we got to the concert, we ran as fast as we could inside, cause we were already a few minutes late. But it was okay cause all we were missing was the opening act. (No offense to Carly Rae Jepsen. I enjoy a mean 'Call Me Maybe' as much as the next person).

But after she was done, we waited like 50 minutes before Justin came on. Later we found out that he was late because he had spent the day with a little girl with Leukemia at Primary Children's Hospital since she couldn't use her tickets because she got sick again.  He's such an angel.

Basically, then he came out, I cried, he sang, I cried, he spoke, I cried. I did a lot of crying. Happy crying though, don't you worry. I also did a lot of jumping and dancing and rocking out.
The show was so cool, they did a lot of really amazing stuff with videos and fireworks and all that jazz.

We had amazing seats thanks to my Aunt Linda! She's not actually my aunt, but she's a really close family friend so I just say she's my aunt. Anyway, she works for Larry H. Miller, which owns the Energy Solutions and the Jazz and stuff, so she always gets me tickets to things there. For my birthday she surprised me with the tickets. We were sitting on the left side in the lower bowl, 11 rows up from the floor.
                                                          From our seats with no zoom

And then they played One Less Lonely Girl. For those of you that aren't Beliebers or just don't know what goes on at a Justin concert, his crew goes out and picks one girl from the audience to go up on stage, get a crown of flowers put on her head and be serenaded by Justin. I tweeted him and his crew 42 times where I was sitting to be the OLLG, because Justin said in an interview that that was what we should do if we wanted to be the OLLG. Sadly, it wasn't me, but it was my old baby sitter and current lacrosse teammate Caitlin's best friend that she went with. Lucky Duck 

(So actually, I didn't really know her at all, but I knew someone who did know her, and through Jackie-rationalization, that means I knew her.)


It was such an amazing night. I would give anything to relive it. But you can all mark my words, one day he will love me. That's a promise, and I never break my promises. 



  1. Oh my goodness!! This blog and this post especially is pure perfection! I REALLY enjoyed the concert! (but I think you did a little bit more, I can only expect that from future Mrs. Bieber though:)) Where were your seats??

    1. Ellie, it means so much that you believe in my dream of becoming Mrs. Bieber. So thank you for that! :) Our seats were section 19, Row 11, Seats 4 and 5 so we were in that middle kind of bowl on the left side of the stage, 11 rows up from the floor!

  2. I am in this picture.... I can literally see my self. Yesssss. Oh hey Jackie, I'm not staking your (AMAZING) blog... heheh
