Wednesday, January 30, 2013



Sorry guys, I really really REALLy wanted to post yesterday but I got sooooo busy. (Which is usually never a problem cause I generally don't have plans or a life of any kind)

But now I shall tell you all about it! So the night before, I had lacrosse until 9 o'clock, and then decided I HAD to make cupcakes to bring to school when I got home. Not only did I need to make cupcakes, I, for some reason, thought they needed to showcase my fine superior chef skills and so I decided I would make apple pie cupcakes from scratch. About 10 minutes in to this I think I realized that maybe the whole thing was a bad idea. When 11:07 finally rolled around I just gave up. So the next day I brought these "cupcakes" to school that were the most hideous things I've ever seen. They had like an apple mixture in the middle of them but it really looked more like stuff you would find on the ground in the woods after it rained. Plus I decided to just skip making the frosting all together. I was really embarrassed of them. 

ANYWAY, then I got up early on my birthday morning so I could straighten my hair, which worked out alright. Then I went and looked at the fantabulous Facebook birthday post Natalie wrote me and smiled a lot. I then proceeded to take a selfie and wish myself a happy birthday on Instagram. Don't judge. (It got 44 likes, just so you all know. I was pretty proud.)

And I was so popular at school. All these people were like, "Happy birthday Jackie!" and I was like, "THANKS!" 

Holy macaroni it's windy outside and I'm 99% sure a tree is about to fall on my house and kill me. 

After school Abigail and I decided we would go see that new movie "Mama". It was kinda weird seeing a movie at 5:00 on a Tuesday, cause there were only four people in the theatre, including us, but it was fun. Also, for any of you wondering about the movie, I didn't like it that much. It was just a bunch of things jumping out at you, and it had a terrible, terrible ending. I personally think that I should star in horor movies because I just feel like I would be supes good at that. 

While we waited for my parents to pick us up from the movie theatre I used my quarters to ride the Kermit car in the arcade. Money well spent, if I do say so myself. 

My parents didn't want to eat at the restaurant I chose for my birthday dinner, so they just dropped Abi and I off, and went somewhere else to eat. I don't really understand how anyone could pass up an opportunity to eat at Chuck-a-Rama. It's an ALL YOU CAN EAT BUFFET, what else do you want?

We ate about this  x9

And then I went home and read all your wonderful Facebook posts that made me feel all warm and sparkly.


Nahhh just kidding. But other people might, as soon as I get my permit. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Going Green

If you say you've never googled yourself, then you're lying. I actually do it quite frequently. I'm not really sure what I'm expecting to come up since I've not really done anything of importance that would be recognized on the internet, but that never seems to discourage me. 

So anyway, when I googled myself this afternoon, I found something I thought I would just share with you guys.  

A few years ago in girl scouts, my troop made a video on how to go green and we entered it in a video contest that the Park City Green organization was having. Not to brag or anything, but we won for the group category. No big deal. 

Anyway, here you go. 

This is also a prime example of how cool I used to be. You can really tell I was popular cause I wore super fashionable clothes and had super nifty braces and a rockin hair cut. Not to mention my adorable little lisp voice. Ahh the good old days. 

Coke or Pepsi

Hello my earthlings. I love love love posting for you guys so much cause you are so phenomenally outstandingly stupefyingly amazing and make me feel so warm and fuzzy on the inside. So on the bus ride home today (I do a lot of thinking on the bus) I brainstormed some ideas for posts, and one of them I'm going to do, right here, right now. 

I was thinking we could play some Coke or Pepsi?

I'm hoping it's gonna turn out  more entertaining than it sounds now that I'm writing it down.... whatever. #YOLO

1. What is one word that describes you?


2. Coke or Pepsi?

Ok like, I've never understood if that was even a real question. Like, is that some sort of joke? Why would anyone ever chose Pepsi? Pepsi is like Coke's ugly younger cousin who can't get a date to the dance. Like, no Pepsi, stop trying and please go sit in your corner. 

3. Mood?

Right now I'm feeling pretty.......ummm calm I guess. 

4. Favorite Song?

What is my favorite song as of late? Hmm. Well actually I haven't been able to get "Catch My Breath" by Kelly C out of my head, but "50 Ways To Say Goodbye" by Train never really gets old to me. Oh and obviously any TSweezy or JB, but that goes without saying. Also I love love love Cassadee Pope; covers and original. Oh and of course He is We. And The Fray. And One Republic.  

5. Glamorous or Casual?

If you say casual you are lying to yourself

6. Beach or Mountains?

Beach. BeachBeachBeachBeachBeach. That might be cause I'm part mermaid. 

7. Messy or Neat?

Well I mean, I would like things to be neat, I just don't want to be the one to have the task of making them neat. 

8. Extrovert or Introvert?

Wait is extrovert the people one and introverts the loner one? Well I'm a Jackievert, and that's the cool type. 

9. Dreamer or Do-er?

Dreamer. The last time I ever did something was never. 

10. TV or Book?


11. Do you wish on stars?

The real question is, do stars wish on me?

12. Believe in love at first sight?

Yes? I see food all the time...

13. Dog or Cat person?

Okay, now you're all jumping to the conclusion that I'm a cat person, but you're wrong. I love dogs too. I'm neither type. I'm just an animal person. 

14. Vanilla or Chocolate Ice Cream?

Cheesecake frozen yogurt with cheeckcake bites and grahmcrackers. Don't tell me what to do. 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Live Commenting

First before I start this post, I wanted to adress something. In the past few days I have had multiple people tell me that they love this blog and how it's so funny. Really, that makes my day. You guys don't understand how much that means to me and y'all (what am I from the South now?) are outstandingly stupendously extraordinarily phenomenally amazing. And I'm not a mushy kind of person so for me to be saying this must mean quite a lot. Thank you guys again. 

Anyways, I was so excited about all the nice things people said about my blog, I started getting super excited and brainstorming post ideas. One of them that I thought I would try today. 

When I say this, a lot of you are going to be shocked and be like "What?! How have you never seen that?! You can't be a girl if you've never ever watched that movie!" 


I, Jacqueline Rachel Buckman, have never seen The Notebook.

Please, I know how shocking that must be, but hush. I'm going to make it up to you. My idea is that I am going to go sit down and watch the infamous film, and live comment while doing so. This way you can all read my reactions to the movie. I'm going to write whatever pops into my head so it might not always be really on topic, but just go with it. First though, I actually have to see if it's on Netflix. If it's not that will make my life considerably more difficult but I'll persevere. 

Their site is under maintenance? EXCUSE ME WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH MY LIFE UNTIL IT'S BACK UP? Actually, the funny thing is, I don't actually even have a Netflix account. I just use my friend Nicole's. Thank the lord she let's me, because I don't know what I would do if I didn't have easy access to all the Drake and Josh episodes. 
( I'm so conflicted about that show though, because Drake Bell ripped on JB this one time and so I'm like "No, we are not friends anymore." But then I was like, "WAIT, I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOU!" cause that show is just so funny I can't even stand it.")

Well this is kind of awkward. 

IDEA. How about we postpone The Notebook, and I'll go comment on last night's Pretty Little Liars episode instead? (Aired on January 15, 2013) Don't worry, I promise promise promise I'll get to The Notebook as soon as Netflix gets their life together. 

Alright so here we go. 

Get some headphones so my mom thinks I'm doing homework and listening to music instead of watching TV

Left my headphones downstairs in my bathroom. 

Contemplating finishing this post later because I don't want to go get the headphones. 

No Jackie, get up. 

Got them.

Alright commercials. 

Oooh, episode's called "Mona Mania." 

I hope Toby takes his shirt off. What? Who said that?

"Previously on Pretty Little Liars"

Wish I looked like Aria.

Too late stupid-face Byron. You're not allowed to accuse your daughter of doing things like that, and then just be all good. 

Oh yeah! I forgot about the Ezra-baby-daddy situation. 

Harold is such an old man name.

Awww, I always had a soft spot for Lucas. 

I kinda wish my life was more like this show. Most exciting thing that ever happens to me is when my mom lets me turn the thermostat up to 61. 

Theory: they are all secretly witches and put a spell on themselves that makes them always look amazing and gives them unlimited cute clothes that they never wear twice

Wait I missed something! Rewind.

So the random kid who fell off the bike last episode was named Brad. He hit his trachea on the handle bars. Hate when I do that. 

Ohhhhhhhh throwin it DOWN.

Sometimes Spencer reminds me of a news anchor lady.

If I was Aria's mom and Meredith said one word to me, I would've thrown her in a garbage can. Like, how about no. Get away from me. 


My life is a constant battle of trying to come to terms with the fact that my life will never be like a romantic comedy or dramatic TV show.

How do I get my face to look like that?


Oh nuggets, it's over?

Now I'll go try to find ways to occupy myself until next Tuesday when another new episode comes out.

Ehhhhhh now I'm mad because I feel like this post didn't turn out as amazingly as I thought it would.


I'll do better next time guys. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

How To Avoid Dying

Alright, so this morning I was on the bus, and I was like 'Jackie, if you were ever in a life threatening situation, you are so clever and smart and creative you would probably live.'  And I realized that everyone might not feel as confident in their abilities to survive bad situations like that, so I wanted to help out and give some examples of situations and how to react and stay alive. You're welcome. 

If a crazed serial killer ever breaks into your house, get up to your room and climb into your laundry hamper and then burry yourself in the clothes. If you went into a house to serial kill someone, you would never think to look in the laundry cause why on earth would they be in there! Problem solved. 

If you are ever kidnapped while on a mission to save the world or something, and are thrown into shark infested waters, just pull a Jenna Marbles and slap a landshark hand fin on your back. Since you are in water, that will then be considered a watershark which is just a normal shark. Then, the sharks will think you are also a shark, and not eat you. 

Always carry a pot of honey with you if you ever go hiking. Imagine you're just hiking along and you see a bear and the bear sees you and starts running at you because he hates you and wants to eat you, just whip out your handy dandy pot of honey and he'll be mesmerized by the honey and not eat you. That's because bears love honey. Also make sure you give him the honey to eat and then while he's eating the honey, just get on his back and tame him. Because then you would have your own tamed pet bear and you would get all te girls because who wouldn't want to date someone with a pet bear? Then, you and your pet bear could grow old and look back and laugh on that one time he wanted to maul you but you gave him honey and tamed him. 

If you are ever walking alone in a dark alley and a group of really sketchy looking guys with scratchy looking beards come up with black fitted beanies on, keeping yourself safe is simple. All you have to do is make sure that spiderman is in love with you and is watching your every move and them BAM he'll be there in a flash to beat up all the scary people and then you can kiss whilst he is hanging upside down. Duh.

The last situation I'm going to teach you how to survive is if someone you like ever tries to talk to you. See I've found a method over the years that works quite well. For example you are just being your awkward self and they come up and say, "Hey." Do not panic. Simply look for the nearest fire alarm, pull it, and then run outside with the rest of the school. Then, next time you see them, be like "ha ha wow crazy fire the other day hu?" and they'll be like "yeah it was!" and you be like "yeah there really was no fire, I just pulled the alarm because you're hot." POOF. Now you have yourself a boyfriend. (I've also seen it end in the crush giving you a weird look, nervously mumble-laugh something and walk away quickly, but that's only happened every single time I've ever tried this method.)

Now you all kinda owe me one since I just saved your lives like five times. I accept chocolate. Thank you very much. 

Figure Me Out

Ok, so someone showed me this really supes kewl website the other day. It's called . And what it is, is you can create fashion, like sets I guess would be the word. I've been playing with it for like 72 hours straight cause it's so nifty, and I thought I would share it with you guys. 

So basically, you go on over to and sign up. Then after you got your pretty self all registered and all that yummy goodness, you go over and click create, along the top. You'll see for yourself when you go, but it gives you a bunch of categories to click on like Tops, Jackets, Jeans, Pants, Dresses, Hats, etc, and you go through those and click when you find something you like, and add it to your set. Then you go back to the categories and do the same thing until you have like, a really cute outfit. Then you just click publish, name it and hit save and boom the magical internet publishes it for the webernet to see. AND it links out to the sites where you can actually buy the things! But that feature doesn't really apply to me because I'm forever broke.

And the reason why I'm telling you all this, other then so you guys can play too, is that Natalie told me a while ago that I'm really hard to shop for because I don't have a particular style I guess. So I was like no, I have a style, it's just a very diverse style. Since I'm such a fashion designer, I thought I would show you guys some of the sets I made that represent my style so when you all go out to get me my birthday gifts this weekend, you'll know what I like. 

Yeah, like I could ever make my hair do that. Psh. 

Another example of what my hair will never look like. 

Cause I'm edgy

And also hipsta classy

And patriotic

and think I'm a biker

And forever in love with fancy dresses

and like to wear a lot of black?

And think I could pull off laid back cute-ness. (what? I can't even pull off regular cute-ness)

and rebellious

and lazy and cat loving

and, actually I don't really have anything witty to say about this one. 

I'm so good at fashion designing

So for the record, I do not wear the same sweatshirt and boring pair of jeans everyday because I want to. If I got everything I wanted, the previous pictures would be how I would look. But I don't, cause I'm poor. Deal with it. 

Monday, January 14, 2013

Jatalie Bogan

Despite common misconception, I actually do have friends. Hard to believe, I know. I even have more than one!

And I love all my friends quite a bit. They are fantastic weirdos who, for one reason or another, accept my weirdness and even enjoy hanging out with me. (I think.) 

Ok, actually, side note really quick before I get into this post. I always used to have this weird suspicion that every single person in the whole world was on this mission, and they all had to pretend to like me and be my friends, family, teachers, everybody I knew and interacted with. But secretly they were all on this quest to kill me. Like I was certain everybody in the world met in these meetings every month and did progress reports on me and then all plotted that one day they would all turn on me and kill me. I think I was exposed to crime and conspiracy cable TV shows at too young of an age....

Focus Jackie. 

Oh, yes, my friends. I love them all. One of my very very best-est-est-est-est friends (who was mentioned in my last post), is Natalie. Our friendship name is Jatalie Bogan. It's like Jackie Buckman, and Natalie Hogan combined. Yes? Good. And I promised Natalie I would write a blog post all about her and publish it for all of my internet people to read.  So here we go. A little friendship history for you all.  

Natalie moved to Park City in the middle of 6th grade. I have lived here my whole entire life. (Same house, same bedroom and everything.) Neither of us can even really remember exactly, but the summer before 7th grade I saw her somewhere and we talked a little bit. You know, you meet someone and you're like "oh they're pretty cool." So anyway, on the first day of 7th grade I was waiting for the bus in the morning and she walked up. I was like "Oh yay! Someone to talk to and I'm not alone now." So we started talking and when the bus came, we sat together. And that was the start of it all. 

I also remember the first time we ever hung out outside of school, she took me to this country club kinda thing to go swimming and for lunch we had chicken tenders with fries and rootbeer. 

Then we just hung out all the time, which was pretty easy since she just lived up the street and we could walk back and forth between our houses. 

Little bit about us:

                  Natalie                                            Jackie                              

- Has (undiagnosed) OCD                       - Has (diagnosed) ADD
- Has moved 9 times in her life                - Has never moved
- Allergic to bananas                                - HATES bananas 
- Plays Lacrosse                                       - Plays lacrosse
- Has a younger brother                           - Has a younger sister
- Is a Virgo                                               - Is an Aquarius
- Is gorgeous                                            - Resembles a human (kinda)                                                                                                                                                    

Then, halfway through 8th grade last year, she found out that she was moving again, to Florida this time. It was really surreal and hard for me to deal with since I'd never had a friend like that taken away from me. 

But we found a way to work around it. We talk every day, just like we would if she still lived here. Nothing really changed, we just don't get to see each other face to face like we would if she was still here. We also visit each other at least twice a year; I go there in the summer for her birthday in August, she comes back here in the winter for my birthday in January. It's a pretty good system. Oh, she also has since moved to Georgia, so that's where she currently resides now. 

Collage of our pictassss

She also takes really really cute pictures of me...

Awkward Bird Dance

Ka-pow gun hands

Have my arm around an invisible person

Pullin' a Jesus


My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard

Babe Status

I was eating ok?

She also makes cute memes 

I know Cereal Guy, I know. 

I don't know how to explain myself

Don't sass me boy
How am I still single?

And then we also have some together in which I tried to look as socially acceptable as possible

Summer 2012 in FLORIDA 
Rock n' roll
Being gorg is tough sometimes
January 2013
Bus ride sometime in late 2011 (I know cause my braces are off, so it has to be after October 22) 

Her last day in Utah in the Jupiter Bowl bathroom

So there you go Natalie, your very own post on Awkwardly Awkward. You're welcome.


15 days and then I'll be 15 years young. That means I can get my learners permit, even though that's highly unlikely since I haven't started studying at all and I wouldn't even be able to tell you which pedal is the gas and which is the break.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Bieber Fever

It's no real secret that I'm deeply in love with Justin Bieber. And really, I don't think people understand exactly how much I love him. They probably have an idea, but I like, LOVE him. A lot. Hardcore Belieber. 


On Saturday, January 5th, 2013, I saw him live in concert in Salt Lake City, Utah. 

Just take a minute to process that.

It was the best day of my whole life. 

So during the day, I was with my BFF Natalie. Natalie used to live here and she moved away, but we have biannual visits. I don't know if biannual means two times a year, but I hope it does, cause that's what I meant. (I promised Natalie I would blog about her, but I won't go into much detail right now because she is getting her own separate post.) So anyway, we were at her hotel and she helped me get all ready. I had to look perf. We are getting married you know. So I bought my Wal-Mart acrylic nails, slapped those on. And then I attempted to put on fake eyelashes for the first time in my whole life. The first one turned out pretty good, but the second one was just a mess. I got lash glue all over the actual lashes an then they all clumped together and dried and I couldn't get them apart. Plus, I glued it to high up on my eye so one of my eyes had an eyelash with like 4 large lash clumps glued to the middle of the eyelid. Scrapped those and just went with my own real eyelashes.

And the shirt I had was just prime time. Natalie had given it to me for Christmas.

And it's so warm

Then I left to go meet Abi (you all know Abi from my Fatday Friday Post). Natalie didn't go because we didn't know she would be here when we got tickets. Plus she's not in love with him like Abi and I are. 

The concert was at Energy Solutions Arena, so we drove down the canyon having a pre concert jam sesh to JB. Well actually, we didn't drive, our moms drove, but same thing. 

Classy in the O'Shucks bathroom

More pictures, 'cause we're cute

Anyway, when we got to the concert, we ran as fast as we could inside, cause we were already a few minutes late. But it was okay cause all we were missing was the opening act. (No offense to Carly Rae Jepsen. I enjoy a mean 'Call Me Maybe' as much as the next person).

But after she was done, we waited like 50 minutes before Justin came on. Later we found out that he was late because he had spent the day with a little girl with Leukemia at Primary Children's Hospital since she couldn't use her tickets because she got sick again.  He's such an angel.

Basically, then he came out, I cried, he sang, I cried, he spoke, I cried. I did a lot of crying. Happy crying though, don't you worry. I also did a lot of jumping and dancing and rocking out.
The show was so cool, they did a lot of really amazing stuff with videos and fireworks and all that jazz.

We had amazing seats thanks to my Aunt Linda! She's not actually my aunt, but she's a really close family friend so I just say she's my aunt. Anyway, she works for Larry H. Miller, which owns the Energy Solutions and the Jazz and stuff, so she always gets me tickets to things there. For my birthday she surprised me with the tickets. We were sitting on the left side in the lower bowl, 11 rows up from the floor.
                                                          From our seats with no zoom

And then they played One Less Lonely Girl. For those of you that aren't Beliebers or just don't know what goes on at a Justin concert, his crew goes out and picks one girl from the audience to go up on stage, get a crown of flowers put on her head and be serenaded by Justin. I tweeted him and his crew 42 times where I was sitting to be the OLLG, because Justin said in an interview that that was what we should do if we wanted to be the OLLG. Sadly, it wasn't me, but it was my old baby sitter and current lacrosse teammate Caitlin's best friend that she went with. Lucky Duck 

(So actually, I didn't really know her at all, but I knew someone who did know her, and through Jackie-rationalization, that means I knew her.)


It was such an amazing night. I would give anything to relive it. But you can all mark my words, one day he will love me. That's a promise, and I never break my promises.